For me, painting is Seeing the Light.’

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My colleague and fellow Trustee of the Mouth & Foot Painting Artists Trust Fund to Train Disabled Children in the Arts have an exciting new venture in Alton, Hampshire – a gallery and space for workshops that we’re calling ‘Freedom Through Expression’

July 23rd, 2024|Comments Off on My colleague and fellow Trustee of the Mouth & Foot Painting Artists Trust Fund to Train Disabled Children in the Arts have an exciting new venture in Alton, Hampshire – a gallery and space for workshops that we’re calling ‘Freedom Through Expression’

Congratulations to the new Green M.P.’s elected to Parliament! According to BBC economics editor, Faisal Islam, their contribution will be more important to the dynamics of our new Government than the election of Reform Party M.P.’s. If only the media gave the Green Party’s positive message more coverage than the cynical tenor of the Reform Party…………

July 5th, 2024|Comments Off on Congratulations to the new Green M.P.’s elected to Parliament! According to BBC economics editor, Faisal Islam, their contribution will be more important to the dynamics of our new Government than the election of Reform Party M.P.’s. If only the media gave the Green Party’s positive message more coverage than the cynical tenor of the Reform Party…………

What a privilege to be invited to exhibit my paintings at the 80th Anniversary Conference on Surgery for People Living with Spinal Cord Injury. I am in awe of the dedicated professionals from all disciplines, so passionate in their fields of expertise, who make life worth living for those who suffer SCI. It was a particular thrill to listen to Eva Loeffler talk about her father, Sir Ludwig Guttman, who escaped Nazi Germany with his young family in 1938 and established the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville

June 27th, 2024|Comments Off on What a privilege to be invited to exhibit my paintings at the 80th Anniversary Conference on Surgery for People Living with Spinal Cord Injury. I am in awe of the dedicated professionals from all disciplines, so passionate in their fields of expertise, who make life worth living for those who suffer SCI. It was a particular thrill to listen to Eva Loeffler talk about her father, Sir Ludwig Guttman, who escaped Nazi Germany with his young family in 1938 and established the National Spinal Injuries Centre at Stoke Mandeville

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